250+ Anime Phrases and Phrases to Converse Like a True Anime Aficionado



The language studying group is divisive on whether or not you’ll be able to study Japanese from anime.

On one hand, it’s an extremely enjoyable and versatile medium, with tons of choices for everybody.

However, anime makes use of many stylized types of dialog, so that you threat not studying “actual” Japanese such as you’d hear on the streets.

No matter you concentrate on this difficulty, there’s little question that anime has some very enjoyable turns of speech. In case you’re a fan, you most likely already know some!

Whether or not you’re trying to study Japanese by anime, otherwise you need to have the ability to watch Japanese anime with out subtitles, this publish has you coated.

Uncover the coolest catchphrases, learn to inform your deres aside and immerse your self in widespread Japanese anime phrases and phrases… over 250 of them!


Anime Style Names

From a space-adventuring superhero fighter to the healthful relationship between a boy and the tiny woman who’s changed his hand, there’s an anime on the market for you. Whether or not you want romance, journey, horror or one thing else fully, listed here are among the most typical Japanese anime genres, and tips on how to say them in Japanese:

Honorifics and Titles

Reader-chan, when you watch anime, you’ll quickly develop into very well-versed in honorifics and particular titles of standing. Listed below are among the most typical ones you’ll hear:

Japanese (with audio) Furigana Romaji English Translation
ちゃん ちゃん Chan Used for ladies / Youthful feminine
へいし へいし Heisha Soldier / Navy personnel
こうはい こうはい Kouhai Junior (referring to somebody youthful or much less skilled)
くん くん Kun Used for boys / Youthful male
牧師 ぼくし Kyoukai Reverend / Minister
さま Sama Honorable (used to indicate respect to somebody of upper standing)
さん さん San Mr. / Mrs. / Ms.
先輩 せんぱい Senpai Senior (referring to somebody older or extra skilled)
師匠 ししょう Shishou Grasp / Mentor
たん たん Tan Affectionate suffix (used for cute characters or by shut buddies)
店長 てんちょう Tenchou Retailer Supervisor / Shopkeeper

Pronoun Use in Anime

Japanese pronouns have some distinctive qualities that set them other than English. The way in which you check with your self and others can have layers of complexities that you just won’t count on. Listed below are essential ones to notice:

Japanese (with audio) Furigana Romaji English Translation
あなた あなた Anata Generally used for “you” when addressing somebody of equal or decrease standing, or for somebody you do not know effectively.
お前 おまえ Omae Casual and might be impolite, used when addressing somebody of equal or decrease standing, typically used between buddies or rivals.
あんた あんた Anta Informal and acquainted type of “you”, used between shut buddies or folks with a powerful bond.
おたく おたく Otaku Referring to another person as an “otaku” might be playful or teasing, nevertheless it may also be rude or offensive relying on the context.
ぼく Boku Utilized by boys and younger males, humble and well mannered technique to say “I”.
おれ Ore Utilized by boys and males, extra assertive and fewer formal technique to say “I”.
わたし Watashi Impartial and well mannered technique to say “I”, utilized by each men and women, applicable in formal or informal conditions.
アタシ あたし Atashi Female technique to say “I,” largely utilized by females and female males.
わたくし Watakushi A proper and haughty technique to say “I,” implying a sure degree of distance or superiority.
あね Ane Older sister” pronoun, utilized by ladies and younger ladies when referring to their very own older sisters.
あに Ani Older brother” pronoun, utilized by boys and younger males when referring to their very own older brothers.
いもうと Imouto Youthful sister” pronoun, utilized by boys and younger males when referring to their very own youthful sisters.
おとうと Otouto Youthful brother” pronoun, utilized by ladies and younger ladies when referring to their very own youthful brothers.
かれ Kare He” or “boyfriend” pronoun, used to check with somebody’s boyfriend or a male third-person pronoun.
彼女 かのじょ Kanojo She” or “girlfriend” pronoun, used to check with somebody’s girlfriend or a feminine third-person pronoun.
彼ら かれら Karera They” pronoun, used to check with a bunch of males or a mixed-gender group.
彼女たち かのじょたち Kanojo-tachi They” pronoun, used to check with a bunch of females.
みんな みんな Minna Everybody” or “you all” pronoun, used to handle a bunch of individuals in an off-the-cuff and pleasant approach.
皆さん みなさん Minasan Everybody” or “women and gents” pronoun, used to handle a bunch of individuals in a well mannered and respectful approach.

Character Kind Phrases

A dere is a personality archetype, describing a personality that reveals contrasting feelings or habits. So what’s a tsundere? Discover out beneath, together with various different character varieties it could be clever to know earlier than you fall head-over-heels with that sweet-seeming yandere.

Japanese (with audio) Furigana Romaji English Translation
クーデレ くーでれ Kuudere Character who’s at first cool and unapproachable, however later as he will get to know you effectively sufficient, turns into lovey-dovey
デレデレ でれでれ Deredere Character who is continually lovey-dovey and affectionate
ダンデレ だんでれ Dandere Character who’s dandy and reserved however lovey-dovey to solely sure folks reserved
オタク おたく Otaku Obsessive fan/geek
バカ ばか Baka Idiot
美少女 びしょうじょ Bishoujo Stunning younger woman
美少年 びしょうねん Bishounen Stunning younger boy
キャラクター きゃらくたー Kyarakutaa Character
ヒロイン ひろいん Hiroin Heroine
ヒーロー ひーろー Hiirou Hero
悪役 あくやく Akuyaku Villain
腐女子 ふじょし Fujoshi Feminine fan of boys’ love
腐男子 ふだんし Fudanshi Male fan of boys’ love
シリアス しりあす Shiriasu Critical (character or tone)
コメディ こめでぃ Komedii Comedy (style or character sort)
ロリ ろり Rori Lolita (young-looking character)
ショタ しょた Shota Shota (young-looking boy character)
バトル ばとる Batoru Battle (style or character sort)
学生 がくせい Gakusei Pupil
先輩 せんぱい Senpai Senior (referring to somebody older or extra skilled)
後輩 こうはい Kouhai Junior (referring to somebody youthful or much less skilled)
オネエ おねえ Onee Effeminate male character
お嬢様 おじょうさま Ojousama Wealthy, refined younger girl
ツッコミ つっこみ Tsukkomi Straight man in a comedy duo
ボケ ぼけ Boke Humorous man in a comedy duo

Widespread Anime Phrases and Phrases

These are phrases and phrases you’ll virtually positively hear whereas watching anime!

Japanese (with audio) Furigana Romaji English Translation
あだ Ada Enemy / Rival
あい Ai Love
愛してる あいしてる Aishiteru I really like you
あなたを信じてる あなたをしんじてる Anata o shinjiteru I imagine in you
アラアラ あらあら Ara ara (Female expression of delicate scolding or shock)
あれ? あれ? Are? Huh?
ありがとう ありがとう Arigatou Thanks
ありがとう、助かった ありがとう、たすかった Arigatou, tasukatta Thanks, you saved me
びっくり びっくり Bikkuri Shock
ちから Chikara Energy / Energy
力を解放する ちからをかいほうする Chikara o kaihou suru Releasing my energy
大丈夫 だいじょうぶ Daijoubu It is okay
大好き だいすき Daisuki I prefer it very a lot
だからさ だからさ Dakara sa That is why
だめだめ だめだめ Dame dame No approach
どういたしまして どういたしまして Dou itashimashite You are welcome
どういう意味? どういういみ? Dou iu imi? What does that imply?
どうしたの? どうしたの? Doushita no? What’s incorrect?
どうぞ どうぞ Douzo Right here you go/Please
どうぞお大事に どうぞおだいじに Douzo odaiji ni Maintain your self
えっ えっ E Huh
ええと、実は… ええと、じつは… Eeto, jitsu wa Um, truly…
二人で頑張ろう ふたりでがんばろう Futari de ganbarou Let’s do our greatest collectively
がんばれ がんばれ Ganbare Cling in there/Do your greatest
頑張って がんばって Ganbatte Do your greatest
ごちそうさま ごちそうさま Gochisousama Thanks for the meal
ごめんなさい ごめんなさい Gomen nasai I am sorry
はい はい Hai Sure
はい、分かりました はい、わかりました Hai, wakarimashita Sure, I perceive
本当に? ほんとうに? Hontou ni? Actually?
いいえ いいえ Iie No
いいえ、何でもありません いいえ、なんでもありません Iie, nandemo arimasen No, it is nothing
いただきます いただきます Itadakimasu Let’s eat (earlier than a meal)
行ってきます いってきます Ittekimasu I am off/Goodbye (when leaving)
行ってらっしゃい いってらっしゃい Itterasshai Take care (when somebody leaves)
かっこいい かっこいい Kakkoii Cool
乾杯 かんぱい Kanpai Cheers
勝った かった Katta I gained
かわいい かわいい Kawaii Cute
かわいいですね かわいいですね Kawaii desu ne It is cute, is not it?
気をつけて きをつけて Ki o tsukete Keep effectively
希望 きぼう Kibou Hope
希望を捨てない きぼうをすてない Kibou o sutena I will not surrender hope
嫌い きらい Kirai Hate
綺麗 きれい Kirei Stunning
きっと大丈夫 きっとだいじょうぶ Kitto daijoubu It’s going to be alright
こんにちは こんにちは Konnichiwa Hiya/Good afternoon
これでおしまい これでおしまい Kore de oshimai That is the tip
これからよろしく これからよろしく Kore kara yoroshiku I am relying on you any more
きゃー! きゃー! Kyaa! Eek! (Squeal)
まあまあ まあまあ Maa maa It is okay
負けた まけた Maketa I misplaced
また会いましょう またあいましょう Mata aimashou Let’s meet once more
また明日 またあした Mata ashita See you tomorrow
もう我慢できない もうがまんできない Mou gaman dekinai I am unable to take it anymore
仲間 なかま Nakama Shut pal
何ですか? なんですか? Nan desu ka? What’s it?
何だろう なんだろう Nandarou I ponder what it’s
何で? なんで? Nande? Why?
何でもないよ なんでもないよ Nandemo nai yo It is nothing
何これ? なにこれ? Nani kore? What’s this?
なるほど なるほど Naruhodo I see
おばあちゃん おばあちゃん Obaachan Grandma
おばあさん おばあさん Obaasan Grandmother
お坊っちゃま おぼっちゃま Obocchama Younger grasp
お大事に おだいじに Odaiji ni Get effectively quickly
お元気で おげんきで Ogenki de Take care
おはよう おはよう Ohayou Good morning
お姫様 おひめさま Ohimesama Princess
お祝い おいわい Oiwai Celebration
お邪魔します おじゃまします Ojama shimasu Excuse me for disturbing
おじいちゃん おじいちゃん Ojiichan Grandpa
おじいさん おじいさん Ojiisan Grandfather
お嬢様 おじょうさま Ojousama Younger girl/Miss
おかえりなさい おかえりなさい Okaerinasai Welcome again
おめでとう おめでとう Omedetou Congratulations
おもしろい おもしろい Omoshiroi Humorous/Fascinating
お姉ちゃん おねえちゃん Oneechan (Acquainted) Older sister
お姉さん おねえさん Oneesan (Respectful) Older sister
お願い おねがい Onegai Please
お願いだから おねがいだから Onegai dakara Please, I am begging you
お願いします おねがいします Onegaishimasu Please/Do me a favor
お兄ちゃん おにいちゃん Oniichan (Acquainted) Older brother
お兄さん おにいさん Oniisan (Respectful) Older brother
お誕生日おめでとう おたんじょうびおめでとう Otanjoubi omedetou Blissful birthday
お楽しみ おたのしみ Otanoshimi Wanting ahead to it
お手伝いいたしましょう おてつだいいたしましょう Otetsudai itashimashou Let me enable you to
お疲れ様 おつかれさま Otsukaresama Thanks on your arduous work
おっと おっと Otto Oops
おやすみ おやすみ Oyasumi Good evening
さようなら さようなら Sayounara Goodbye
戦士 せんし Senshi Warrior
戦友 せんゆう Senyuu Battle companion
勝利 しょうり Shouri Victory
それは違う それはちがう Sore wa chigau That is not proper
それじゃあ、行ってきます それじゃあ、いってきます Sorejaa, itte kimasu Effectively then, I am off (when leaving)
すごい すごい Sugoi Superb
すごくかっこいい すごくかっこいい Sugoku kakkoii Actually cool
すごく楽しかった すごくたのしかった Sugoku tanoshikatta It was actually enjoyable
すみません すみません Sumimasen Excuse me
ただいま ただいま Tadaima I am again
戦い たたかい Tatakai Battle
てき Teki Enemy
友達 ともだち Tomodachi Pal
友達を守る ともだちをまもる Tomodachi o mamoru Defending my buddies
とっても嬉しい とってもうれしい Tottemo ureshii I am very comfortable
闘志 とうし Toushi Preventing spirit
うん、分かった うん、わかった Un, wakatta Sure, understood
うるさい うるさい Urusai Annoying
うるさいですね うるさいですね Urusai desu ne It is annoying, is not it?
嘘でしょ うそでしょ Uso desho You should be kidding
うわー! うわー! Uwaa! Wow!
わあ、すごい! わあ、すごい! Waa, sugoi!
Wow, wonderful!
わーい、楽しい! わーい、たのしい! Waai, tanoshii! Yay, it is enjoyable!
わーい! わーい! Waai! Hooray!
分かりません わかりません Wakarimasen I do not perceive
分かります わかります Wakarimasu I perceive
分かった わかった Wakatta I received it
やったー! やったー! Yattaa! Hooray!
よかった よかった Yokatta I am glad
よくやった よくやった Yoku yatta Effectively achieved
よろしくお願いします よろしくおねがいします Yoroshiku onegaishimasu Good to fulfill you
ゆめ Yume Dream
勇気 ゆうき Yuuki Braveness
勇者 ゆうしゃ Yuusha Hero

Well-known Anime Catchphrases

Who mentioned that line? These typically meme-d anime catchphrases pop up on the web fairly typically. You is likely to be accustomed to them even when you’ve by no means watched an anime!

Anime Battle Cries

Get into the preventing spirit as you study these anime battle cries. Rah!


Whether or not you’re a seasoned otaku or simply beginning your anime journey, these anime phrases and phrases will unlock a deeper understanding of the enjoyable and typically insane world of anime Japanese.


